wa wa wa

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Stop trying to justify shitty behavior with disabilities, its wildly offensive and ableist. Disability doesn’t justify deadnaming. Just stop.

    This disability that hasn’t been in the DSM for over 10 years doesn’t mention anything about forgetting if someone transitioned. If you know the name is dead, don’t use it. For fucks sake its so simple.

    You wanna know what being gaslit feels like?? When the people around you keep making up shitty excuseses for why they can’t use your preferred name and make it out like you are the bad guy for asking them to use the correct one.

  • Im also diagnosed ASD and now you are trying to use that to defend deadnaming, just stop. Disability doesn’t justify deadnaming people. If you can’t remember their name just google it like you would for anyone else who’s name you can’t remember. If you know they don’t use that name anymore and don’t like when people refer to them with it, even if you can’t remember what they prefer you shouldn’t use the old name. Just don’t use the old name, its dead… let it be dead. Dont use it. Its so simple, dont use that name if you know they don’t want people using that name.

  • Dyscalculia is a disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, performing mathematical calculations, and learning facts in mathematics. It is sometimes colloquially referred to as “math dyslexia”, though this analogy is misleading as they are distinct syndromes.[5]

    What does that have to do with deadnaming people? Don’t try to use a disability as a shield for shitty behavior.

    I assume I will still get banned for deadnaming even though I’m innocently adding clarity to a conversation.

    Yes because that’s still deadnaming, that information isn’t relevant and isn’t needed in context. It’s not necessary to dead name and misgender someone to talk about things they did before transition. It’s completely unnecessary, and in the context of your example you KNOW they don’t use that anymore so its actually worse.

    now I’ve committed a crime of which I had no knowledge.

    No you haven’t no one is going to get mad about simply not knowing a change has been made. Its when you KNOW what they prefer and yet you still deadname them.

    this blanket condemnation of deadnaming is just dumb. it requires nuance.

    No it doesn’t

  • I am also always immensely confused how gamers don’t see valve taking 30% of pc sales and not recognize that as greedy shit bag behavior.

    We all know when google or apple does it on their app store its bad, or when spotify pays artists pennies its bad, or when actors are striking because of its shady residuals payout from streaming its bad. But when king gaben does it, its fine perfectly ok. Even though game devs are some of the most overworked and underpaid workers in tech. And then people wonder why games suck lately.