• 5 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • See? This is where the problem is. Your inability to read for context, instead of fulfilling some need for your ideology to be correct- regardless of reality.

    No one said you can’t or shouldn’t criticize the Democratic Party. This is a right we have and is necessary to exercise. The problem is- people like you seem to think that by criticizing YOU- and your decision to yell at people to not vote… is somehow a declaration to deny your right to criticize. Criticize all you wish- just don’t be foolish enough to think that not doing something (voting) will bring change. It’s a mistake that every generation seemingly always makes when they’re young. Mine included.

    And note what is going on here. YOU seemingly whine that everyone is being mean to you, while you simultaneously accuse others of shit they’re not doing. And all the while- you assume no one notices this.

  • Ironically, You ask if everything is completely black and white for someone without accepting that there’s nuance to the very issue you’re calling out. And assuming that “everything”- a very black and white term, is not very nuanced, is it?

    No, not EVERYTHING, but some things. And this is one of those things. Both forms should be illegal. Period. No nuance, no argument, NO grey area.

    This does not mean that nuance doesn’t exist. It just means that some believe that it SHOULDN’T exist within the paradigm of child porn.