
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.

I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3

My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk

  • 9 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Yeah definitely, wanting to complete every game 100% is a bit much. I’ll only ever do the side content that I actually enjoy. Ratchet and Clank: RA was great for this as it was easy and fun to complete everything (hence it being the only game I’ve managed to get all the trophies for).

    In terms of keeping my to-play list short, I’ve done a pretty good job of not buying any games in Steam sales recently. Because 99% of the time they’ll be on sale again in the near future - buying them now only causes paralysis like you say.

  • Your labelling system is a good idea! I do have plenty of games from bundles, but I only add the ones to my library that I’m actually interested in. So everything in my backlog is something I want to play at some point. Personally I don’t feel that there is any negative connotation to the word backlog, but maybe that’s because mine is full of stuff I intend to play.

    I have a spreadsheet listing the games I’ve got to play, and whilst I do usually set an ‘up next’, this can change depending on how I’m feeling at the time. So it’s rare that I play a game I don’t like or doesn’t fit my mood :)

  • Yeah I think having just one big game on the go is a good idea - spreading your attention too thin between games probably lessens your enjoyment of all of them!

    I’m a little bad for this as I’m currently playing one game on PS5, Steam Deck and Switch each. But I stick to one game per console and it seems to work ok. I like having a variety of games to play depending on my mood - 3 seems a good limit. But when I do play each, I make sure to focus on that particular game for a while and not let myself get distracted by the others.

  • I feel like the Game Boy Camera was quite unique at the time, because not many people had cameras back then. Nowadays nearly everyone has access to a camera on smart devices that are in all likelihood significantly better quality than something Nintendo could affordably release as a peripheral. What benefit would there be to a Nintendo specific product?

    It’s a cute idea but realistically I don’t see it happening. There’s nothing stopping you from making videos on your phone and playing around with some free/open source video editing software though!

  • I love coffee but nowadays I tend to drink tea a lot more. I don’t like the taste of instant coffee, and that’s all I can get at work - so I stick to tea. I also can’t handle caffeine as well as I used to, so I have decaff.

    At home I’ve got a nice coffee machine. I buy decaff beans and grind them - it’s all about the taste for me.