• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Heres a weirder one no one else has mentioned yet: I’ve heard art described as a way to express and emotion, and I really felt that with Hotline Miami. Its not done through the story or setting (in fact, the intentional ignorance there adds to it) but rather the contrest between the hyper-violent trance as you play through a level, and then the sudden cut of the music as you quietly walk past the mountains of bloodied corpses back to your car. I feel that shift, when you first notice it, really emphasises the pointless brutally of it far more so than many much more heavy-handed attempts in other games.

  • Currently two:

    War Thunder - It has so many issues from the grind, to unadressed design issues (IE 10kg HE shells doing no damage on a direct hit), to balance issues including p2w vehicles. That said, under all the shit, theres a solid foundation, and no other game comes close to replicating it.

    Super Auto Pets - Its an autobattler streamlined to the point where its the perfect casual game when I don’t feel like anything else. It also doesn’t have any of the normal f2p traps, and is monitized purely on cosmetics that can also be earned for free.

    Edit: I guess Dota 2 counts too. I put a ton of time into that. I’m not a particularly good player, but its one of the best team-based games out there, so I enjoy playing it with friends.

  • At least the stuff I’ve seen is more a criticism of the lack of functionality for the Rabbit, esspecially unique functionality or areas where it excels. The fact that it is basically all able to be contained in one app is viewed as evidence of the relative simplicity, and the fact that (as reviews highlighted) a phone provides a better interaction method compared to the dedicated devices just highlights how unnecessary the hardware is.

    Basically, its competing against phones in functionality, but a phone at that price can do everything it can and better, plus so much more. Even worse when considering everyone also already owns a phone and won’t be able to replace with a Rabbit.

  • The textures are very different although those can be swapped out (albiet with very limitted options if you aren’t willing to build the pack yourself). Its more the lighting and shading I don’t like. They tend to look a lot more washed out and flat compared to Minecraft. Turning on the more intensive and/or experemental features helps a lot, but falls far short of whats easily available for Minecraft and makes the already iffy performance noticably worse.

    In terms of performance, I was struggling to even maintain 144fps on MineTest with regular drops down to 90. I was finding I was getting about half the framerate on average compared to Vanilla Minecraft, with almost no difference running around loading chunks, and a significant advantage for Minecraft in more static areas. That said, Minecraft is a game with a massive modding scene with access to engine-level changes, and using a bunch of the more popular optimization mods mean I tend to be getting roughly double the framerate compared to vanilla Minecraft and four times that of Minetest.

    Im sure stuff can be improved, but the userbase and development backing just isn’t there as it stands.