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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I don’t hate people who are vegans.

    I do hate the person who righteously yelled at me about eating meat while I was eating her vegan food at her house which she invited me to. And then proceeded to send me Facebook farm videos that were obviously staged. I worked on a farm… so when I corrected her what actually does happen on a farm Vs what these idiots were staging to get reactions, it was even more disgusting to me that she wasn’t doing any of this for the animals as she claimed but doing it so she could feel important. So she can fuck right off up a mountain.

    So no:I don’t hate people who are vegans. I hate self involved, insincere shitheads.

    That said yeah, we need to address commercial farming. It’s an issue. We need to cut down the meat products that are getting produced and stop creating diets that get capitalists richer. But also we need to be honest with what is actually happening. No, they do not give hormones to animals on farms. That practice was discontinued prior to the 1990s. We need to out assholes who spread this bullshit online, dampening the real issues as to why introducing more plant based food is necessary. We also have to keep plant based food healthy and not just inject it with sugar ,salt and fat creating the same health issues we had with consuming commercialized meat.

    Also I think this is why vegan is a ruined word and why ‘plant-based’ is now becoming a substitute. To replace this damage that many of the self called vegans did that were just as much lying and cheating as the industry they so much hate. two wrongs do not make a right. So I’m all about the pivot away from that dumpster fire

  • I think the key word there is consent. And the other important topic is distribution.

    Would you consent to having your picture taken naked is different to someone taking a picture without you knowing or them asking for consent. If you wanted the picture of you naked and the person wanted to take a picture of you naked, both sides consented. But then how it is distributed is another matter. You can still not have the consent a person would need to distribute the picture. This is why it’s becoming illegal in more and more countries to show a naked picture to someone you took with your phone even if that person consented to have the picture taken that does not mean they consent to you to distribute it acting on behalf as their agent. In cases where this has happened the person poses or sends the picture to one person they want to have it. That isn’t agency to distribute it or/and make money off of it.

    A person taking a shit in public or changing with the door open are both examples of giving consent to be publicly seen if you’re deciding to do the act however the witnesses to it are not giving consent to have it in their space to be forced to see it. But then should one of the witnesses have a cel phone and film you shitting or changing in public, this also falls into the you-didn’t-consent to how it’s distributed.

    The whole privacy issue is it is done entirely without one person giving consent to have their information distributed. Even if you did consent to give that person some personal information, they then decide without your consent to act as your agent about your personal information in how it’s distributed.

  • Do YOU have anything to hide??

    “Yea my bank information, passwords, personal identity, identity of all my loved ones. But hey, if you hate having security and love being blackmailed and hate everyone who you have ever made contact in your life and wish to make their life hell then you do you and stay far the fuck away from me. We don’t know each other and we never will”

  • While you do touch on the mechanics of thought-feeling triggers there is a lot to be said for how a person gets to a depressive state as a result.

    I think you are being reductive in how you’re separating people and how they experience these sorts of thoughts.

    Bad thoughts and sadness exists but that doesn’t mean every person experiencing it depressed.

    Many people can have those thoughts and feelings as you say but function every day and may pause on the thought and feeling connected to it but respond or react in their own learned way and may move onto other things. They might experience it many times in a day. But just cuz they don’t sit down and cry on the sidewalk about it doesn’t mean they aren’t experiencing these thoughts or feelings.

    Calling them obliviously happy assumes and predicts a lot about them as if they cannot experience sadness. This assumption is synonymous to how a person with bpd will decide ‘no one can experience feelings as strongly as I do’ where they misplace where the issue lies at how they react to the feelings they have. Not that the feeling is any different. They are overwhelmed by the feeling for a lot of reasons but that does not mean other people they compare themselves to do not experience the same feelings (triggers) they do.

    This just serves to alienate people for self preservation to hold onto an illness as unique and defining themselves by it.

    we can all experience these thoughts and feelings therefore I do not believe triggers to what may lead to depression make the entire story. The thought might be there, and the feeling to kick it off but a person who is prone to depressive states move into a darker area after that.

    Depression can be hereditary where you have people who are more predisposed to the physical and encompassing depressive states which can trigger some other compound issues such as addictive personality disorders.


    Thoughts are another topic into themselves. And there is many ways a person can react or respond to them.

    The habits as you point out, to see most challenges as a personal jab at their own performance I believe so much of this is trained. Just as much as it can be untrained


    Comparing ourselves to others is pretty ingrained in society where we have bad habit sayings to reflect it more.

    Eg: “be grateful you’re not that person”

    Eg: reward and punishment system for teaching

    Eg: using real life people as an example/idolizing

    This teaches people to be in a constant competition with other people around them.

    Then you have the people who just see that as a challenge regardless or don’t see it at all and capable to find joy and celebrate another persons success without a thought to their own performance. Whether it be from therapy or perhaps that is their predisposition. That doesn’t make them oblivious to the very thoughts and feelings that may be a trigger for someone else.