fae/faer or she/her

A lover of fruit, fun and helping people out.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2022

  • Despite the title not understanding what a lightyear actually means, good. We need fewer cars and especially not ones that have shown they will just run people over without care.

    Not to mention cars steal resources from other countries, whether it be oil or metal for batteries etc. What we need is more publically funded transport that actually works well and is quick, safe and even rich people/politicans would travel on.

    One of the worst things ever invented to a degree was cars especially since they often install roadways to completely bypass small ‘out of the way’ places or worse make cities completely designed around them since there are no places to walk, play or hang out (that’s a slight aside but I do think the death of third places has cars partially to blame).

    We also need for transport companies to start recycling and actually start caring about their own waste management.

    Also, don’t make me laugh that it’s Elon that is ‘lightyears’ away from self driving cars, it’s Tesla and all the people who actually do the work, Elon is an mediocre man who gets worshiped way too much for having too much money, spending it irresponsibly, acting irresponsibly and then taking all the credit for other’s hard work, just like every other billionaire out there.

  • Neither, they are both very much made for tech obsessives with no real advantages and thus won’t ever have anyone but those people on them.

    Until they have nice features like stickers and have nicer UIs, their usage will likely be limited to just those that think they are more private without having many people on.

    I do not personally think that using messengers with so few people on or the proliferation of such niche messengers is a good thing and there really isn’t anything like ‘ultimate’ privacy/security anyway.

    I personally think sticking to fairly mainstream messengers is better unless you have accurately done threat modelling for yourself and found you need something more secure, though in most cases these niche messengers won’t necessarily be that as they lack the funding and technical knowhow (or just make claims without necessarily being able to back them up), just selling the dream.

    Plus a lot of them are frustrating to use due to, as has already been pointed out in this thread, them having such drawbacks like needing to both be online usually or are not feature complete on all platforms if they are even on those platforms at all.

    I also do not think that operating over alternative networks like TOR necessarily is more private or secure than just having very good encryption and other well thought out and tested security features even over the ‘clearnet’.

    At the end of the day I still very much think it is best to stick to messengers most people have probably heard of, though I would still recommend open source ones, I don’t think that we need more messengers that claim to be better than the last, just a few really good ones that have shown under various conditions to work well, stand up to surveillance or cops etc and are a joy to use.