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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • You can put them in between 2 bowls with their (the bowls) rims against each other to create an oblate spheroid-ish thing, then shake it real hard for a few minutes. It should remove the shell pretty eaily, if loudly.

    Edit: Sorry, turns out, that’s garlic cloves. Shrimp peeling is really only easier raw. You can rip the legs off and just give a squeeze and it’ll pop out of the shell. In my experience, once they’re cooked the shell will break up much easier. As someone else said, a stock is your best bet if you really want to avoid peeling. I mean, technically you can eat the shell if you make sure to grind them up completely when you puree them. I’ve never tried anything with the shell still included, so I can’t speak for the taste, but you could try a bisque if you’re dead set on not peeling.

  • don’t even know enough to care in the first place.

    but ultimately it’s the user who decides to use the service, and how to use it.

    So you admit they don’t have access to the knowledge needed to make better choices for their digital security. Then immediately blame them. I think your bias from the point of view of a one that is already more informed on this sort of thing. If they don’t know they need to know more, how can they be expected to do any research? There’s only so much time in a day so you can’t expect people to learn “enough” about literally everything.

  • It’s actually pretty normal and you probably do it without realizing it. Occasionally the lungs just need to absorb a little extra oxygen to catch up. You ever watch a dog sleep and every now and then they just take a big inhale? Same thing.

    Found this neat source:

    “A sigh is a long, deep breath that is often viewed as an expression of stress, sadness, exhaustion or relief. However, the most frequent sighs are unnoticed and occur spontaneously every several minutes, about a dozen times per hour.”

    . . .

    “The lung is composed of hundreds of millions of alveoli, the gas exchange units at terminal ends of the respiratory tract, each of which is about 200 micrometers in diameter. During normal breathing, alveoli spontaneously collapse, a pathological condition known as atelectasis. A sigh is hypothesized to reverse any alveolar collapse, because it is a large breath that re-expands all alveoli, filling them all with air.”

  • Fuck that nonsense. This is the same mindset as every poor person who thinks of themselves as a “temporarily embarrassed millionaire.” You say it with the assumption that you’re somewhere in that equation and don’t give a shit about any kind of equality. That’s selfish as shit. You phrase it like they should be stopped from helping to make sure their kids are still fed while off at college or some shit, but we’re talking about millionaires helping their millionaire children also maintain their millionaire lifestyle by leveraging their brand to possibly get a role someone without famous parents could use to fucking survive. I don’t care how able he is to do a good job, it’s bullshit to pretend he actually deserves it because his parents really feel like he should.

  • Yeah.

    I’m not vying for a pure meritocracy, but the system we currently have to work and live in, as established, expects merit to be the thing that enables success and advancement in living conditions. As long as that’s the system were in, those that already exist with a certain level of privilege of already achieving acceptable, if not ample living conditions, shouldn’t be given an additional lead on those that don’t. This guy was never going to be poor or struggling to eat because he couldn’t find a job.

    When speaking about privilege, I like to use the race analogy. Some people are given bikes while some are given cars, and others even just have to walk. This guy was born with a sports car already, then his parents started him a mile ahead from the starting line.

  • I think it’s maybe a little but of both of what you and Annoyed_[Crabemoji] said. From what I remember of baking, butter being not chilled enough will cause it to be too soft and cook out before the chemistry can happen and they deflate like that. But obviously, it’s real tough to mix in chilled solid butter, so by the time you’ve needed it enough for it to incorporate, it’s warm again. When I was in culinary school back in the day we’d bake in huge batches, obviously, so we’d use big ole mixers to combine the cold butter quickly with giant mechanical paddles that forced it to combine while still cold. But at home, if you have to mix by hand and you know that the butter isn’t cold anymore you can definitely chill the cough before baking. I don’t remember much from those days (I was never a baker, I was a line cook, but baking classes were required), but when I saw your picture my immediate thought from the dredges of 20 year old memories was “That butter wasn’t chilled.”

  • The thing is, if the place you’re getting your information from doesn’t list it’s sources, you can’t trust it. Whenever I’m researching a thing on the internet and I find an article or a paper, I don’t just stop there, I check where they got their info, then I find that source and read it. I follow it all the way back until I find the primary source.

    Like the other day I was writing a paper about a particular court case. In the opinions, as in most cases, they use precedent and cite prior cases. So I found the other cases that referred to the thing I was writing about, and it turns out they were also just using prior cases. I had to go 6 deep before I found them referencing the actual constitution for one of them. On another I found it interesting that the most recent use case was so far removed from what the original one was about and it was could probably be questionable to even use it as precedent if they had used the original instead of another case.

    Anyway, the point is, always check sources. If anyone says anything on the internet, assume it’s just their opinion until you check and follow the sources…

  • Fun semi-related story. I used to work in an open kitchen where a lot of the cooking staff would interact with the customers pretty regularly. Quite often me and two other men in the kitchen would get confused with one another. I gave a guy some marinating tips one week. He comes back in a few days later and waves me over to tell me how well it went. Except he didn’t wave me over, it was a coworker he thought was me. I’d have people bring up previous conversations when I’ve never seen them before. After the 3rd time that kind of thing happened, it clicked. The 3 of us who got confused with each other were just very generic young white guys. One of them wore glasses and I sometimes wore them, sometimes wore contacts. Who I got confused with changed on whether I wore glasses or not, but it happened constantly in the years I worked there. And it was always other white people getting us confused. Looking like a generic white guy is 100% a thing.