• 60 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml
    23 hours ago

    Slowly over time you learn what you need when you need it. There is no hand holding. Under the surface, this thing is very complex. Every aspect of Linux is public. You do not need to understand most of it, but this is the realm of many brilliant developers and most computer science students, especially those studying operating systems. Everyone is welcome here, but be aware that all levels are present.

    The vast majority of Linux is not related to desktop users. Linux is more common on servers and embedded devices like routers, cars, and industrial/enterprise equipment. People are happy to help you learn when you hit a wall, but no one wants to be your tech support.

    Distros are not brands or marketing. They all have a specific reason to exist and specialties. Learning what these specialties are and how to leverage them for things like documentation for any specific task can make a big difference in your overall experience.

    It is quite common for people to call it Linux, but you are unlikely to interact with kernel space very much. Your actual experience is mostly limited to the desktop environment and applications.

    Since you are on a Debian > Ubuntu derivative, you are on a distro that may have outdated dependencies in some cases, especially with outlier software. Terms like outdated and stable/unstable are not at all what they seem at first intuitive thought. Windows is a stable OS, which really means it has outdated dependencies in most cases too. Distros like Fedora or Arch are kept up to date with the latest kernel and dependencies. If your software you want to run is actively developed and kept up to date, these are the best distros to run. If your software is static, these distros may break it and create headaches. By contrast, if your software is kept up to date but you are on a stable distro, either the distro packager may keep the needed libraries up to date or you need to go to the extra effort required to update stuff yourself by adding a PPA to your Aptitude sources list. This is important to understand because, if you are following documentation for some package using the internet, that documentation may be for a much newer version than what is available in the distro natively. This mostly applies to edgy software when you’re doing something specific that is not super common. The practical way to think about this is that Debian stable is primarily created as a way for developers to create some device that will be used online for a specific task and uses many high level software packages. Once the thing is working, the developer knows that the packages they used are not going to get updated arbitrarily and break what they created, while the device is still going to receive all the needed security updates to remain online safely for as long as the kernel is supported by the Debian team. This is beneficial for small one off devices and subcontracted types of development without a full time dev. Understanding this paradigm will massively improve your overall experience. I had a lot of frustration before I understood that much of what I was using was outdated and why when I first started using Ubuntu over 10 years ago.

  • Dry with pickled onions and some chicken.

    I absolutely hate salads, but that is what I ate 5 days a week when I worked for a chain of bike shops. It’s how I lost my last bit of weight to get under 7% back when I was racing. Going from 350lbs to 220lbs wasn’t super hard while just commuting to work, and training/racing casually. Going from 220lbs to under 190lbs was super hard for me. Eating something I could barely tolerate meant I only ate what I absolutely needed because I was freaking starving… So, to me, while I hate salads, if I’m eating one, it is for a specific reason, and if I’m objective about that reason, I’m going to fit my opinion to what best meets those goals. Therefore, my favorite salad is the one I can only barely tolerate and will eat, but only as much as I absolutely must. Like seriously, I brought my lunch into my office and would eat a few bites over the course of hours. That too is a major aspect of real weight loss. How much you eat at any given point in time is very important.

  • Yes, but in a less civil warlike posture. The consequences of the shift to venture capital driving the economy in the 1960’s shifted the need to create more massive scale wars, but unchecked consolidation of wealth destroys the necessary egalitarian framework of a real democracy. All the pieces are in place to enslave the nation, i. e. we all carry tracking devices that can not be turned off, all of our financial means can be controlled, we are surrounded by cameras on most homes and vehicles that are connected to a monitoring system of a few entities. We only have the illusion of autonomy. Real democracies are very rare in history. The blood that bought this one is old money that few value with a thorough understanding. I’d say it was inevitable for unchecked venture capital to destroy the USA, but perhaps it was better than the warhawks destroying the world again in the 1980’s.

  • Try not to think like this. Over the last 10 years, between reddit in the past, and here now, I’ve had to use these places as my only external form of human social contact because of disability issues. I’ve noticed certain patterns emerge with the seasons. These places are largely dominated by certain regions of the world. When those regions go through seasons where the majority of people are doing things elsewhere, the comment and interaction quality decline noticeably. I’ve learned to not take it personally and I turn to other outlets to spend more of my time. This is when I do most of my gaming and reading. I’ve finished all of the primary Dune series and most of Asimov’s main series from Robots through Galactic and Foundation. Most recently, someone suggested the FOSS game Cataclysm Darker Days Ahead. While the theme is absolutely counterproductive for me, the game’s complexity and particularly the documentation of the source code and mods is absolutely fascinating to me. I’ve been exploring JSON tools when it comes to stuff with AI, and the game is like a guided masters class in functional use and tools that use JSON.

    Many people seem to think I’m an asshole or a “bad person” but most simply can’t understand my needs and interests. I never knew what disability was really like and its challenges prior to the day I got hit by a car. I probably had a stupid attitude and said stupid things that made people feel bad in my exact position now. I can’t blame others for their ignorance when condemning them is condemning myself.

    Personalities and functional thought are far more varied in humans than most of us realize in practice. I’ve explored this a whole lot over the last year with AI where it can simulate other contrasting perspectives in very complex ways while answering some really complex questions with relevant sources to back them up. This kind of personality analysis is a major aspect of what LLM’s are designed to understand. The more I’ve explored this topic, the more I have come to realize the binary approach to anything like a good and bad label for a human is completely inadequate. The cause and effect have no simple connections. Most of a person’s “bad” behavior is likely related to cognitive dissonance. If you look up what that really means, it is due to some level of conflict in a person’s life that they are unable to address or have limited/emerging self awareness. If you are noticing such behavior that could be related to cognitive dissonance, work to address the probable causes of underlying conflict in your life if you’d like to address the issue.

    My personal primary conflict is social isolation. That is what I am here to address. I don’t use corporate social media because I’m an outlier of their marketing and exploitation designs where they are unable to accommodate my needs. The inconsistencies of this place are not healthy for me, and it can have a very real impact on my life, but over time I’ve tried to pick up on the patterns and withdraw when I need to do so. Anything that shakes up or makes me question the underlying stability of a place like this is the most deeply disturbing to me. I’m also aware that there is a substantial misdirection campaign that happens with all major elections now. Anyone posting or commenting on such subjects are highly suspect to me. I look at their account activities and ignore or block them if they do not show a wide spectrum of activity and complexity. One day it will become public knowledge that conservative asshats have no morality whatsoever, never have, and are paying thousands of people to post, comment, and write bots to maintain their criminal activities and control. Their presence is completely disproportionate to the population and interests the government represents. When those subhuman jackasses could no longer enslave people outright, they simply shift their focus to redefine slavery to put everyone in their chains. Anyone commenting some shitty nonsense with an account that has little history or a lot of history with no depth is some unethical criminal being paid to do so, is not worth my time or thought, and is absolutely the reason I was right in the first place. Look up the Plutonic definition of sophism and keep in mind that there are some people with a love for their own sadism. These places online are full of people that can be fucked with and there are many that love to take advantage of those that are here for their real human needs. Do not hesitate to disregard anyone that evokes a negative emotion to a well intended comment.

  • How are finishes so durable and thin?

    My assumption of a lack of post processes is because I come from a background of automotive refinishing and repair, where I’ve owned a shop and painted for many years along with getting into custom art graphics and airbrushing. The only finishes I know of that provide a similar durability are two part urethanes. Those are far too thick by comparison. When cutting into plastics that have been moulded, the finish shows no signs of mechanical layering or bonding like a post process finish in most cases. Often a cleanly broken or cut part shows a similar type of penetrating surface alteration I associate with a polishing operation, where the surface transitions in color and grain structure with in millimeter or few (in cases where the break is clean and does not appear to be influenced by stress alterations like ABS where it whitens under tension).

    How does chromate conversion work with a prep regime and what kind of wet paint can offer similar durability to a 2k urethane when it is impossibly thin? Like I know the limitations of urethane well when it comes to corners and pointy bits where it will thin from surface tension. There is not a chance in hell that the buttons on the side of my phone could be painted with such a finish with an even conformal coating and remain durable for years of constant abrasion. Is there a name for this class and type of finish? Where are they sourced? What is the scale of the industry? Is there a way to access the process and products at a small scale?

  • Slowly trying to learn sh while using mostly bash. Convenience is nice and all, but when I encounter something like OpenWRT or Android, I don’t like the feeling of speaking a foreign language. Maybe if I can get super familiar with sh, then I might explore prettier or more convenient options, but I really want to know how to deal with the most universal shell.

  • Yeah, but depends on a person’s goals. I don’t mind being doxed. The privacy thing I’m really concerned about is manipulation of data related to the host server; apps that are used like data loggers of sensors; tracking dwell time; page views; likes, blocks, etc. I care far less about what I say to others in public. I vehemently claim that owning the data about any individual is theft of autonomy, failure of democracy and government, and a form of slavery if one plays out the total philosophical circumstance and implications. Anyone that holds such data about someone else with the intent to manipulate in any way whatsoever is a criminal. I’ve been a Buyer for a retail chain, collected and analysed tons of customer data. This has nothing to do with how data is collected and used now, but this is used as justification for the present criminal data manipulation industry.

    As a disabled person, I need to connect with humans more, and as much as I can here. I totally respect those of you that have other priorities that limit your conversational topics of interest, and I don’t wish to violate those. This place is just my version of a public square, where I’m trying to make general conversation. -warmly

  • MIPS is Stanford’s alternative architecture to Berkeley’s RISC-I/RISC-II. I was somewhat concerned about their stuff in routers, especially when the primary bootloader used is proprietary.

    The person that wrote the primary bootloader, is the same person writing most of the Mediatek kernel code in mainline. I forget where I put together their story, but I think they were some kind of prodigy type that reverse engineered and wrote an entire bootloader from scratch, implying a very deep understanding of the hardware. IIRC I may have seen that info years ago in the uboot forum. I think someone accused the mediatek bootloader of copying uboot. Again IIRC, their bootloader was being developed open source and there is some kind of partially available source still on a git somewhere. However, they wound up working for Mediatek and are now doing all the open source stuff. I found them on the OpenWRT and was a bit of an ass asking why they didn’t open source the bootloader code. After that, some of the more advanced users on OpenWRT explained to me how the bootloader is static, which I already kinda knew, I mean, I know it is on a flash memory chip on the SPI bus. This makes it much easier to monitor the starting state and what is really happening. These systems are very old 1990’s era designs, there is not a lot of room to do extra stuff unnoticed.

    On the other hand, all cellular modems are completely undocumented, as are all WiFi modems since the early 2010’s, with the last open source WiFi modem being the Atheros chips.

    There is no telling what is happening with cellular modems. I will say, the integrated nonremovable batteries have nothing to do with design or advancement. They are capable monitoring devices that cannot be turned off.

    However, if we can monitor all registers in a fully documented SoC, we can fully monitor and control a peripheral bus in most instances.

    Overall, I have little issue with Mediatek compared to Qualcomm. They are largely emulating the behavior of the bigger player, Broadcom.

  • The easiest ways to distinguish I’m human are the patterns as, others have mentioned, assuming you’re familiar with the primary Socrates entity’s style in the underlying structure of the LLM. The other easy way to tell I’m human is my conceptual density and mobility when connecting concepts across seemingly disconnected spaces. Presently, the way I am connecting politics, history, and philosophy to draw a narrative about a device, consumers, capitalism, and venture capital is far beyond the attention scope of the best AI. No doubt the future will see AI rise an order of magnitude to meet me, but that is not the present. AI has far more info available, but far less scope in any given subject when it comes to abstract thought.

    The last easy way to see that I am human is that I can talk about politics in a critical light. Politics is the most heavily bowdlerized space in any LLM at present. None of the models can say much more than gutter responses that are form like responses overtrained in this space so that all questions land on predetermined replies.

    I play with open source offline AI a whole lot, but I will always tell you if and how I’m using it. I’m simply disabled, with too much time on my hands, and y’all are my only real random humans interactions. - warmly

    I don’t fault your skepticism.