you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024

  • I think this is bad because it doesn’t solve any problems (efficacy of age verification systems is questionable at best) and introduces new problems (token system violates privacy). Censorship under governments creates black markets and reduces privacy at taxpayer expense. If they are concerned about child safety maybe they should start with what studies show are the most effective ways to accomplish that goal as opposed to ineffective, expensive wastes of time.

  • I’d be cautious that behavior, common experienced events, technology shifts, etc define categories and not the other way around. If the boundaries for generations are arbitrary then inclusion is just as arbitrary and not defined by behavior since behaviors can spread across multiple labels. We all want to belong, but tribalism can be a useful tool to divide humanity against itself. Historic generation labels where distinct boundaries can be observed and defined in an historic context makes sense to me, contemporary generational labels seem like divisive nonsense to me.

  • Crime rates dropping in US, multiple companies working with NASA for ISS access, direct observation of gravitational waves, left reddit for Lemmy, multiple COVID vaccines in like a year from outbreak, more usage of renewable energy sources, etc. There are some obvious problems we need to get together and address as communities, countries, and species, but there are a bunch of improvements and advancements being made too.

  • It’s not that intercessory prayer needs to work 100% to be convincing, it just needs to beat random chance and it doesn’t do that.

    Natural processes can describe how those things came to exist without needing to appeal to supernatural claims or gods.

    You’ve seen things you attribute to a god, but people in other religions attribute the same things to their god and so far I don’t think anyone has shown empirical evidence for any gods, and I don’t know about you but I use empirical evidence when changing my confidence on whether something or someone exists or doesn’t.

    Many people have a negative opinion on organized religion because we can see the negative effects believing things without sufficient evidence can have on individuals and communities.

  • That’s weird because earlier in the same chapter it contradicts exactly what you said that he’s not changing any of the old testament laws except for I think animal sacrifices he talks about specifically elsewhere:

    17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

    The reason the Christian bible includes the old testament afaik is because when the new testament gospels were being written 70+ years after Jesus died they wanted to convert Jewish people so they wrote how Jesus fulfills prophecies made in the Hebrew bible.

  • I like adding a backup function to .profile that can take a file or list of files as an argument and make a copy with a date suffix on the file name, and same date additional backups just add a character like ~ at the end. It’s in version control, but if I’m testing a change it’s just faster to restore the file from a copy in the same place.